Can your business stop social engineering attacks?

Social engineering attacks like phishing, baiting and scareware have skyrocketed to take the top spot as the #1 cause of cybersecurity breaches. So what makes social engineering so effective? When cybercriminals use social engineering tactics, they prey on our natural instinct to help one another. And as it turns out, those instincts are so strong…

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Cyber War – Is your charity prepared?


Make no mistake, we are witnessing unprecedented times. In our lifetime, we have never faced the aspects of war that we do today. None of us want to be the weak link against the global cybercrime syndicates, so immediate action is required to protect your organisation. Whether attacks are against charities, SME’s or our core…

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What is remote IT support and why do you need it?

What exactly is Remote IT Support? Remote IT support provides staff with unlimited access to a technical helpdesk regardless of geographical distance. Support can be provided over the phone, through email and live chat, with technicians then gaining remote access to your computer. For obvious reasons, many support companies have improved how they support clients remotely…

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Remote working – What Charities need to know

Typically, charities tend to have the majority of their staff based at a head office, with a limited number of people working remotely. However recent events have necessitated the need to embrace new technology. This presents many challenges but do not fret, help is on hand!  There’s plenty of research to show that productivity rises…

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The Importance of Managed IT Services for SMEs

Here we explore the benefits of Managed IT services for SMEs in more detail. As an SME do you have the time and capabilities in-house to maintain and manage your IT infrastructure? If not this can be a real pain point for you and your business. However, there is a solution in the form of…

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Benefits of SME companies moving to Cloud IT

A migration to Cloud IT can bring about a wealth of benefits to SME’s, here we explore the key advantages   Increased flexibility We now live in an age where mobility is favoured, long gone are the days where we work chained to a desk by a wired connection. With SME cloud computing your employees…

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