10 Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

Broadband and information technology are powerful factors in small businesses reaching new markets and increasing productivity and efficiency. However, businesses need a cybersecurity strategy to protect their own business, their customers, and their data from growing cybersecurity threats. 1. Train employees in security principles Establish basic security practices and policies for employees, such as requiring…

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Can your business stop social engineering attacks?

Social engineering attacks like phishing, baiting and scareware have skyrocketed to take the top spot as the #1 cause of cybersecurity breaches. So what makes social engineering so effective? When cybercriminals use social engineering tactics, they prey on our natural instinct to help one another. And as it turns out, those instincts are so strong…

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Tech Support – The SpirIT way!

As a Nation, we have experienced many challenges both personally and professionally and being able to adapt how we work to face these challenges is key to the future success of any organisation. This is certainly the case when it comes to technical support as the landscape has changed and continuously changes. We have seen…

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Cyber War – Is your charity prepared?


Make no mistake, we are witnessing unprecedented times. In our lifetime, we have never faced the aspects of war that we do today. None of us want to be the weak link against the global cybercrime syndicates, so immediate action is required to protect your organisation. Whether attacks are against charities, SME’s or our core…

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What is remote IT support and why do you need it?

What exactly is Remote IT Support? Remote IT support provides staff with unlimited access to a technical helpdesk regardless of geographical distance. Support can be provided over the phone, through email and live chat, with technicians then gaining remote access to your computer. For obvious reasons, many support companies have improved how they support clients remotely…

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